Activity Stay 2023 (18+) -

Home Past Upcoming Events Activity Stay 2023 (18+) -

Activity Stay 2023 (18+) - (TEENS EVENT)


“This experience has really helped me, being able to talk to people going through the same thing as me has been invaluable. I hope we all stay in-touch because it feels like I have a really good support network.”

In late July we kicked off our biggest and best event of the year, the Summer Activity Stay! All 18 young people that joined the Activity Stay achieved so much and it was amazing to see how well everyone got on from the very first hour. This highlights how shared experience not only brings our young people together but also makes forming those connections feel all that more comfortable and natural.
The young people took part in a variety of activities throughout the stay; from making their very own pizza, to mocktail making, karaoke, kayaking and even learning how to create a piece of graffiti art from a professional street artist! 
The cocktail/mocktail making wortkshop was hosted by Tipsy Parties, they provided all the equipment and expertly led the session with confidence and knowledge! Please follow the link to book your own cocktail mkaing class with Tipsy Parties, we couldn't reccommend enough! Cocktail Making Class

One of the highlights of the Stay was the Apprentice Challenge and Fashion Show. Each team had to create and design a business plan for a specific outfit/clothing item. One team member modelled the outfit whilst the rest of the team presented their business plan to a panel of judges and live audience. Despite some initial nerves everyone did so well and ended the day with a real sense of achievement.

One young person said about the Apprentice Challenge; “Best part of the stay! Learned valuable info about starting businesses from the experts and was fun way to get to know the people on the team. It was the experience that really brought me out of my shell with the runway show and presentation. Had so much fun!”

A huge Thank You to the Team Mentors from; Kinovo, Mothercare, Tesco, Liquidline & Asandra Studio, we couldn’t have done it without your knowledge and expertise!

On the final full day beauticians from the Diamond Beauty Training Academy led a pamper session and everyone left for the Celebration Dinner looking their absolute best! During the Celebration Dinner some young people gave a speech about the last few days. It was lovely to see how each young person spoke openly and honestly about how valuable they found coming on a Teens Unite Activity Stay.

A Massive Thank You to all the volunteers and staff members that gave their time to help run the Stay. Finally, well done to all the young people for pushing yourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally and coming away having made real and lasting friendships!

By being a part of the Activity Stay, everyone was able to:
- Accomplish a physical and mental challenge  
- Interact and socialise with others who get what they're going through 
- Reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness 
- Regain their independence
- Learn new skills - from art to business planning 
- Feel a sense of achievement, improving self-confidence and self-esteem
- Enjoy new and exciting experiences
- Make lifelong friends


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